Mineral Resource Map
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North America
United States
Cooper Mine
Lubec Lead Mine
Eric W Kelly Peat Moss Co
Thomas Dicenzo Inc
County Concrete and Construction
G E Goding and Sons Inc
Lane Construction Corp
International Peat Moss
New England Peat Moss Co.
Frost Prospect
Bub Bailey Gold Prospect
Tunk Pond Prospect
Cherryfield Mine (1878-1909)
Barrett Prospect
Wenniger Dimension Stone
Alexander Area
Horan Head Prospect
Narraguagus Prospect
Millbridge Quarry
Unnamed Mine
Frost Prospect
Calais Molybdenite Prospect
Mcgeorge Pit
Wakefield Prospect
Hardwood Island Quarry
Eagle Island Prospect
Smith Prospect
Alexander Area Prospect
Unnamed Prospect
Gold Mine
Pleasant River Black Granite Quarry
Machias Prospect
Unnamed Prospect
Jonesport Extension Prospect
Shattuck Mountain Quarries
Marion Prospect
Cross Island Prospect
Pope Mine
South Bay Mine
Calais Pit
Fish Quarry
Basley Prospect
Rollins Mine
Bobs Cove Ledge Deposit
Gardiner Black Granite Prospect
Will Havey Quarry
Hardscrabble Quarry
Edwards and Walker Prospect
Cooper Mine
Mingo, Bailey & Co Black Granite Qy
Booth Brothers Jonesboro Quarry
Birch Hill Mine
Hall Black Granite Quarry
James Pit
Unnamed Quarry
Tripoli Mine
Pillsberry-Steven Prospect
Bodwell Quarry
Hog Island Prospect
Trescott Mine
Starboard Quarry
East Machias Crusher Pit
Maine Red Granite Company Quarry
Jonesboro Quarry
Gallagher Quarry
Marshfield Quarry
Moose-A-Bec Granite Quarry
Captain Havey Quarry
Mingo, Bailey & Co. Red Granite Qy
Wenniger Dimension Stone Quarry
Denbow Point Mine
Beaver Lake Black Granite Quarry
Remsdell Pit
Gilman Quarry
Cherryfield Quarry
Allen Pit
Burke Hill Prospect
Marshfield Granite Quarry
Cooper Mine (1903-1906)
Burke Hill Molybdenite Occurrence
Dorr Pit and Mill
Leighton Prospect
Bodwell-Jonesboro Quarry
Tarbox Quarry
Bacon and Snow Prospect
Minerva Cove Quarry
Crocker Prospect
Baileyville Quarry
Tunk Pond
Red Beach Granite Company Quarry
Jonesport Prospect
Dyer Black Granite Quarry
Minerva Cove Quarry
Black Diamond Granite Quarry
Look Brothers Quarry
Arthur Dalot Quarry
Georgia Pacific Charlotte Pit
Loo* Island Prospect
Bagley Pit
Bowker Prospect
Dalots Quarry
Pembroke Prospect
Youngs Point Mine
Thornberg Black Granite Quarry
Britton Prospect
Machias Quarry
Harrington Mine
Horsebrook Mountain Quarry
Unnamed Quarry
New England Quarry
Denbow Neck Vein
Denbow Point Mine
Horan Head Prospect
Johnson Silver and Copper Mine
Marion & Gardner Prospects
Harrington Mine
Pillsbury-Stevens Mine
Wakefield Prospect
Britton Mine
Smith Iron Mine
Edwards & Walker Gold Mine
Bradley Prospect
Petit Manan Mine
Bacon & Snow Mine
Rollins Gold Mine
Eagle Island
Pembroke Mine
Youn* Point Prospect
Big Hill Lead Mine (1906)
Jonesport Mine
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